Mount Hope Historical County Park- Complete Details -USA - SAI

      Mount Hope Historical County Park,
          comprised of 444 acres, was at one time the location of an active iron mining industry, and serving the community of miners and their families. The rocky landscape of the Park reflects the industrial heritage of the site. Morris County once had vast reserves of high-quality iron ore that was mined from deep, large caverns. The large, deep depressions seen throughout the Park are called subsidence pits. They are the visible remains of the shafts, adits, and slopes that yield what the Native American residents called Succa-sunny or Black Stone-magnetite iron ore.

Known locally as Richard Mine, Mount Hope Historical County Park was a booming iron mining and processing site. Three separate veins of ore were mined on this Park that contains the remains of the Teabo, Allen, and Richard Mine properties.
Today, you can enjoy this historical park for its heritage and beauty, as well as its hiking and snowshoeing trails. Register for a guided Industrial Heritage Tour to learn more about the fascinating history of this Park.
REMEMBER!  For your personal safety… You MUST stay on the marked trails. Digital trail maps are available online.

Mining at Mount Hope began as early as 1710, making it one of the oldest mining areas in Colonial America. For the next 270 years, mines at Mount Hope, and throughout Rockaway Township, were worked almost continuously, with the last mine operating until 1978. In the northeastern section of Mount Hope Historical Park are the remains of mines representative of the county’s earliest commercial iron mining.

 Remains of 20th century iron mining can be found in the southwestern section of the park.

Mount Hope Historical County Park is open daily Sunrise to Sunset throughout the year.

The Morris County Park Commission has recently announced a No Smoking Policy banning all smoking including burning of, inhaling from, exhaling the smoke from or the possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other matter of substance which contains tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked, or the inhaling or exhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic smoking device.

        CLICK HERE for more details. 

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